PQ-8P, PQ-8S
Table 7-2 (continued). Problem Resolution Guide.
Error Message Description Probable Cause
Printer does not print Did not select a Select 90° or 270°
landscape in rotation in the word- rotation in the program.
requested font processing program
Did not select a Add a 90° or 270°
rotation in the data- orientation instruction to the
processing OCL OCL statement.
APO feature is ON Turn APO off or increase
and page size is page size so it is larger than
8-1/2" x 14" or less 8-1/2" x 14" or change width
and width is less than and height so width is
height greater than height. Refer to
Section 5.8 for more
APO feature is OFF Set PQ-8 orientation to
and orientation is set landscape.
to COR; COR, host override; or portrait
Printer does not print Selected the wrong Select 0° to 180° rotation in
portrait in requested rotation in the word- the word-processing program.
font processing program
Selected the wrong Select 0° to 180° rotation in
rotation in the data- OCL statement.
processing OCL