PQ-8P, PQ-8S
Table 7-2 (continued). Problem Resolution Guide.
Error Message Description Probable Cause
Extra blank sheets are Form length not Make sure the document
ejected between correct in software length doesn’t exceed the
sheets of printout (maximum length is maximum number of lines.
66 lines)
Page orientation was The printer may eject a
changed blank page when the page
orientation (portrait or
landscape) is changed.
Form length is Form length incorrect Change form length.
incorrect in software
Incorrect configuration Make sure the host
at the host configuration matches the
Printer won’t change Incorrect typestyle Make sure the font ID used
fonts number is valid. Invalid font IDs are
ignored by the printer.
Wrong font cartridge Load the cartridge with the
loaded font that corresponds to the
font ID.
Font cartridge damaged If possible, try a known good
or not seated into the cartridge to determine if
the printer properly cartridge is faulty. Make
sure the cartridge is loaded