PQ-8P, PQ-8S
Table 7-1. Error Messages.
Error Message Description Probable Cause
Output Timing Error The twinax output A circuit is not
circuits are not functioning, or a
responding to the terminated cable is
microprocessor as not attached to the
expected. PQ-8.
Unexpected Vector The interrupt handling Initialization problems,
or Improper Byte process received an non-functioning circuits,
Vector improper interrupt or microprocessor problems.
Error in Poll A poll test was sent to A terminated cable is not
Address X the indicated address properly installed, a circuit
but was not received is not functioning, or
properly. connections are intermittent.
Incorrect Data on A poll was sent to the Problem with the twinaxial
Poll to Address X indicated address and receiver circuitry.
was detected as a poll;
however, the data
received was not the
expected data.