724-746-5500 | blackbox.com
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LGB5028A User‘s Manual
724-746-5500 | blackbox.com
Chapter 5: System Configuration
v1: Reserved for SNMPv1.
v2c: Reserved for SNMPv2c.
usm: User-based Security Model (USM).
Security Level
Indicate the security model that this entry should belong to. Possible security models are:
NoAuth, NoPriv: No authentication and no privacy.
Auth, NoPriv: Authentication and no privacy.
Auth, Priv: Authentication and privacy.
Read View Name: The name of the MIB view defines the MIB objects for which this request may request the current values. The
allowed string length is 1 to 32, and the allowed content is ASCII characters from 33 to 126.
Write View Name: The name of the MIB view defines the MIB objects for which this request may potentially set new values.
The allowed string length is 1 to 32, and the allowed content is ASCII characters from 33 to 126.
5.6.7 Trap
The function is used to configure SNMP trap. To create a new trap account, click on the “No number” button, enter the trap
information, and click “Apply.” Max Group Number: 6.
Web Interface
To configure SNMP Trap setting:
1. Click “SNMP,” “Trap.”
2. Display the SNMP Trap Hosts information table.
3. Choose a entry to display and modify the detail parameters or click on the “Delete” button to delete the trap hosts entry.