12. Voltage Regulator Installation:
Install the voltage regulator as shown in
the Photo 9. Use the template provided
in the Appendix to determine the
mounting hole locations. Align the two
edges of the template with the airbox and
transfer drill two 1/4" holes. Use the 6 x
20 mm bolts, nylocks and washers to
mount the regulator. The wires should
exit the regulator toward the rear of the
motorcycle. Run the yellow male leads
forward along the subframe tube and
plug them into the two yellow stator
wires where you previously added the
female bullet connectors. Run the
remaining wires to the area just to the
rear of the airbox.
Side of
Photo 9
Photo 10
13. The front turn signals are now pre-
mounted to the Baja Designs headlight
plastic. The photo to the left shows our
old style mounting system that utilized
brackets on the triple-clamp pinch-bolts.
If you prefer this way of mounting, we do
sell these brackets.