7. A slight modification to the wiring harness of the bike will have to be made in this step
because we do not have a mate to the connector that
Kawasaki uses for the stator to voltage regulator
connection. Follow the stator wires up from the left side of
the engine as shown in Figure 1. Locate the two yellow
wires in the stator wiring that terminate in a black
connector . Unplug the connector, measure 7/8" back from
the connector and cut the two yellow wires (Photo 2).
Install two female bullet connectors from the parts bag on
these wires after stripping them back about 1/4". Take your
time and make sure to do a good job of crimping on these
connectors as it is key to the system functioning properly.
You might want to practice on a scrap piece of wire first,
extra connectors have been provided for practice and
botched attempts. We do not recommend soldering as the
solder can embrittle the wire if it flows past the joint up the
8. Taillight Installation: Install the Acerbis DOT taillight
over the empty well left in the stock fender using the two 8-
32 x 3/4" bolts and 6 x 16 mm bolt found in the parts bag.
Drill a single 1/4 inch hole in the center of the fender 2
and 3/8" inches up from the bottom edge as shown in
Photo 3. Position the taillight so that the license plate
mount aligns with this hole and transfer the hole locations
for the top mounting holes onto the fender with a felt pen
or snap punch (Photo 3). Drill two 3/16 inch holes for the
mounts. When installing the bolts, make sure to install the
6 x 16 mm bolt from the bottom up to minimize
the opportunity for the tire to grab it. Run the
taillight wires along the left frame rail using the
stock wire clamps to support it.
Photo 2
7/ 8"
2-3/ 8"
Photo 3
Drill 3/ 16
Photo 4