The Groups folder in the wiki data store includes the following critical wiki les and
File or Folder Name Purpose
group_name/ Enabling web services for a group creates a folder with
the group’s short name.
group_name/index.db Automatically changed when you edit wiki content. If
you manually edit raw content, erase this le so that it
will regenerate based on raw content.
group_name/metadata.plist Contains wiki administration settings.
group_name/wiki/ Stores all pages in the wiki.
The blog uses a similar le structure. The blog stores all
of its pages in group_name/weblog/.
group_name/wiki/page_uid.page/ Automatically created when you create a new wiki page.
The name of the folder is a unique identier that also
appears in the page’s URL:
group_name/wiki/page_uid.page/page.html Contains the page’s HTML content.
group_name/wiki/page_uid.page/page.plist Contains meta-information for a page.
group_name/wiki/page_uid.page/attachments/ Stores subfolders for every attachment.
Automatically created when a le is attached to a page.
Every folder stores one attachment. The name of the
folder is a unique identier that also appears in the
attachment’s URL:
This is an attachment.
group_name/wiki/page_uid.page/images/ Stores all images for a page.
This is an image.
Manually Editing Raw Content
When you use the wiki to edit wiki pages, the wiki server automatically indexes your
content. If you manually edit raw content, the wiki server doesn’t automatically index.
You must delete the index.db le so that the le is regenerated based on the changed
raw content; otherwise, an error occurs.
You can avoid this problem by using the Atom Publishing Protocol, also known as
AtomPub. You can use an AtomPub-enabled client to log in, publish, update, or delete
wiki and blog entries. Congure AtomPub clients to use this service address:
40 Chapter 3 Managing Wiki Content