Chapter 1 Customizing How the Wiki Looks 19
Static Unique Keys
Static sidebars list predened URLs. “Useful Links” is an example static sidebar.
Static sidebars have the following keys:
Key Example Value Possible Values Optional or Required Description
urls Not applicable An array of dictionary
entries, each representing
a single link
Required Because links include
several values, such as
the name of the link
and the URL itself, every
link is represented by a
dictionary entry.
headerURL http://example.com/
Fully qualied URL Optional A URL that is linked to
from the sidebar’s header.
feedURL feed://example.com/
Fully qualied URL Optional An RSS or Atom feed that
is associated with the
Each dictionary entry has the following keys:
Key Example Value Possible Values Optional or Required Description
kind url url, wiki, weblog,
mailinglist, calendar
Required Not used in any themes.
Use this to assign a class to
a sidebar.
You can then use the
class selector in CSS
to customize sidebars,
such as by adding small
calendar icons next to
calendar sidebar links or
small Safari icons next to
URL links.
subtitle Your server’s homepage,
List of groups with wikis
on this server
Any string Required Appears under the name
of the link.
title Server Home, Groups Any string Required Name of the link.
uid serverhome, groups Any string Required Identier for the URL. This
value must be unique.
url /, /groups/ A relative or absolute path
to a web page
Required Contents of the link.