Chapter 1 Customizing How the Wiki Looks 27
JavaScript Example
The following example JavaScript function adds a header link next to the magnier
button that points to www.apple.com, and changes the “Other Wikis” link to point to
Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {
// add another header link (to apple.com) by manipulating the DOM
// using script.aculo.us Builder
// we'll just insert it before the search button
if ($('linkSearch')) {
{id:'linkApple'}, [
Builder.node('a', {href:'http://www.apple.com'}, 'apple')
]), $('linkSearch'));
// change the Other Wikis link to something else
if ($('groups_users_button')) {
$('groups_users_button').down('a').href = 'http://www.apple.
To use this example JavaScript code, save it as a .js le in this folder:
/Library/Application Support/Apple/WikiServer/Themes/theme_name/
About XSL
XSL denes XML document transformation and presentation. For information about
XSL, see:
The wiki server uses a set of XSL les located at:
Because a software update can overwrite les in /usr/share/wikid/lib/
apple_templates/, edit the copies of these XSL les located in:
/Library/Application Support/Apple/WikiServer/Themes/theme_name/
XSL les in this location override XSL les in /usr/share/wikid/lib/apple_templates/.
If a software update overwrites the les in /usr/share/wikid/lib/apple_templates/, you’ll
need to manually merge the changed contents of your customized XSL les with the
updated XSL les. If you don’t merge the contents, the versions won’t match and an
error will occur.