28 Chapter 1 Customizing How the Wiki Looks
If you edit a copy of the default.xsl le, you must also make copies of all of the XSL les
that include the original default.xsl le, and then change them to include the edited
default.xsl le.
Viewing Dynamic XML
The wiki server dynamically generates XML content, which is called context. Context is
transformed by XSL les into HTML.
Before you view context, familiarize yourself with the XSL les located in:
The XSL les correspond to specic pages in the wiki. For example, a group’s wiki
homepage uses grouphome.xsl, while a typical wiki page uses content_entry.xsl. To
view context, create an XSL le that displays context and put it in your theme’s folder.
This overrides the XSL les in /usr/share/wikid/lib/apple_templates/ and changes the
output for the pages that they correspond to.
To view context:
1 Create a plain text le with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
<xsl:template match="page">
<xsl:copy-of select="context"/>
2 Save the le in this location:
/Library/Application Support/Apple/WikiServer/Themes/theme_name/
Use the same lename as any of the XSL les located in:
Choose a lename based on the page with the context you want to view. For
example, to view the context for the group’s wiki homepage, change the lename to