Key Example Value Possible Values Optional or Required Description
snippet Click here to see your
server’s homepage.
Any string Optional Used for the link’s tool tip.
To enable tool tips,
comment out the
following block in the
theme’s grouphome.
css le:
.grouphome .snippet{
Search Unique Keys
Search sidebars list search results using tag-based or text-based searching. “What’s
Hot” and “What’s New” are examples of search sidebars.
Search sidebars have the following unique keys:
Key Example Value Possible Values Optional or Required Description
howMany 5 Any number, 1 or more Required Maximum number of
entries in the sidebar.
tag hot One or more strings all in
the same array
Optional The tags associated with
this sidebar. Pages using all
of these tags are added to
this sidebar.
kind wiki, weblog, mailinglist One or more of the
following in the same
Optional The kinds of pages
associated with this
sidebar. A search only lists
pages of these types.
If this key isn’t provided,
all types of pages can be
shown in the sidebar.
q annejohnson, wiki,
One or more strings all in
the same array
Optional The text query used to
search for entries.
elds title, content, author One or more of the
following in the same
Optional The elds the text query
is applied to. If the query
matches any of these
elds, the entry appears in
the sidebar.
20 Chapter 1 Customizing How the Wiki Looks