The LRD 6250SWS/LRD 6275SWS is designed to operate on most
12 VDC negative ground vehicle electrical systems. The power
cord provided with the unit has a cigarette lighter socket plug at
one end and a small connector at the other.
1) Insert the small connector into the jack on the side of
the unit.
2) Insert the other end into the cigarette lighter socket of
your vehicle.
When installing the power cord, make sure that:
The socket is clean to allow proper contact.
The power cord does not block the antenna area on the back
of the unit
Your unit also comes with ten power cord mounting clips. You
can use these clips to attach the power cord to the window frame
or other parts of the vehicle, keeping it neat and out of the way.
Use the double-sided foam tape squares to attach each clip. Slip
the power cord into the clip to hold it securely in place.
Thu Jan 14 09:28:18 1999
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