The LRD 6250SWS/LRD 6275SWS uses a highly sensitive horn-type
antenna and IR laser sensor to receive laser/radar signals. Its
sensitivity and range depend on the method of installation and
the direction of the antenna/sensor in relation to the signal
source. The inherent nature of radar waves makes them reflect off
metallic surfaces. This is why these waves are so useful for
measuring the speed of a vehicle. The IR laser light may reflect
only from shiny surfaces. Both radar waves and IR laser light will,
however, pass through plastic or glass.
Before you decide where to put your radar detector, please keep in
mind these two important factors:
For safety, do not mount the LRD 6250SWS/LRD 6275SWS
in a location where it will obstruct your driving vision.
Most vehicles have the top part of the windshield tinted.
Mounting the LRD 6250SWS/LR 6275SWS behind tinted or
mirrored glass may reduce the effectiveness of laser
detection by reducing the amount of laser light received by
the dectector.
Thu Jan 14 09:28:16 1999
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