• Even with the remote controller within
the “trunk inside sensing area” (1), the
remote controller reminder function (for
trunk) may not work under any of the fol-
lowing conditions as the presence of the
remote controller may not be sensed:
– The battery of the remote controller is
– The remote controller is influenced by
strong radio waves or noise.
– The remote controller is in contact with
or covered by a metallic object.
– The remote controller is in a corner of
the trunk.
• The remote controller may be sensed
under the following condition even when
the controller is not within the “trunk
inside sensing area”. The remote con-
troller reminder function (for trunk) will
then work.
– The remote controller is outside the
vehicle but very close to the trunk.
Replacement of the battery
If the remote controller becomes unreli-
able, replace the battery.
To replace the battery of the remote con-
1) Insert a flat blade screwdriver covered
with a soft cloth in the slot of the remote
controller and pry it open.
(1) Lithium disc type battery:
CR2032 or equivalent
2) Replace the battery (1) so its + terminal
faces the bottom of the case as shown
in the illustration.
3) Close the remote controller firmly.
4) Make sure the door locks can be oper-
ated with the remote controller.
5) Dispose of the used battery properly
according to applicable rules or regula-
tions. Do not dispose of lithium batter-
ies with ordinary household trash.
Seat Adjustment: 3
Head Restraints: 3