Hands-Free /Phone book
1st word 2nd word Function
“Phonebook, add entry”
“By voice”
Adding the number to Phonebook with voice
1) Pronounce “(phone number)” and pronounce “Confirm” to confirm the operation.
2) Pronounce “(tag name)”, and pronounce “Confirm” to confirm the operation.
3) If the number is added to the speed dialing list, pronounce “Set speed dial” and
hold down one of the preset buttons 1 to 6 for 2 sec. or more. If the number is not
added to the speed dialing list, pronounce “Confirm” to confirm the operation.
“By phone”
Adding the number from the cell phone to Phonebook
1) Make the cell phone ready for this operation, and pronounce “Confirm” to confirm
the operation.
2) Pronounce “Previous” or “Next” to select a number, and pronounce “Confirm” to
confirm the selection.
3) Pronounce “(tag name)” and pronounce “Confirm” to confirm the operation.
4) If the number is added to the speed dialing list, pronounce “Set speed dial” and
hold down one of the preset buttons 1 to 6 for 2 sec. or more. If the number is not
added to the speed dialing list, pronounce “Confirm” to confirm the operation.
“Call history”
Adding the number from the record to Phonebook
1) Pronounce “Incoming” to add the number from the incoming call record, and pro-
nounce “Outgoing” to add the number from the outgoing call record.
2) Pronounce “Previous” or “Next” to select a number, and pronounce “Confirm” to
confirm the selection.
3) Pronounce “(tag name)” and pronounce “Confirm” to confirm the operation.
4) If the number is added to the speed dialing list, pronounce “Set speed dial” and
hold down one of the preset buttons 1 to 6 for 2 sec. or more. If the number is not
added to the speed dialing list, pronounce “Confirm” to confirm the operation.