RoyalTek REB-3000 GPS Receiver User Manual

RoyalTek RGM-3000/REB-3000
GPS Module Operational Manual)
following example: Sets the receiver into
low power Modes. Example: Set receiver
into Trickle Power at 1 hz update and 200
ms On Time.
A0A20009—Start Sequence and Payload
0227B0B3—Message Checksum and End
Table 38 Set Trickle Power Parameters I.D. 151
Scale Example
Message ID 1 97 ASCII 151
Push To FixMode 2 0000 ON=1, OFF=0
Duty Cycle 2 *10 00C8 % % Time on
Milli Seconds On
4 000000C8 ms Range 200 ~ 500 ms
Payload Length: 9bytes.
Computation of Duty Cycle and On
The Duty Cycle is the desired time to be
spent tracking.The On Time is the duration
of each tracking period (range is 200 - 900
ms). To calculate the TricklePower update
rate as a function of Duty cycle and On
Time, use the following formula:
Off Time = (On Time - (Duty Cycle * On
Time)) / Duty Cycle
Update rate = Off Time + On Time
Note – On Time inputs of > 900 ms will
default to 1000 ms
Following are some examples of
Table 39 Example of selections for Trickle Power Mode of Operation
Mode On Time (ms) Duty Cycle (%) Update rate (1/Hz)
Continuous 1000 100 1
Trickle Power 200 20 1
Trickle Power 200 10 2
Trickle Power 300 10 3
Trickle power 500 5 10
See Table 40 for supported/unsupported settings.
Table 40 Trickle Power Mode Settings
Update Rate (second)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
200 Y Y N N N N N N
300 Y Y Y Y Y Y N N
400 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
500 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
600 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
700 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
800 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
900 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Y = Yes (Mode supported)
N = No (Mode NOT supported)