Suspension Troubleshooting
Edge Touring Suspension (ETS) and ETS ACE
Problem Solution (perform only one change at a time)
Rear suspension
bottoms too easily
- Adjust RCA forward (see setup decal under hood).
- Adjust coil over spring on front track shock to increase
preload - 1” maximum preload.
- Adjust torsion spring blocks to highest position.
- Increase front track compression damping by turning screw
clockwise (factory position full soft).
- Replace front track spring with optional spring.
Rides too stiff in
- Check for binding suspension shafts and grease all
pivot points.
- Adjust RCA rearward (see setup decal under hood).
- Decrease spring preload adjustments.
- Decrease front track compression damping by turning screw
counter clockwise (factory position full soft).
Machine darts from
side to side
- Make sure skis are aligned properly.
- Make sure spindles and all steering components are free
- Make sure skags are straight on skis.
- Ensure use of Accu-Trakt dual skags.
Front end pushes - Check for worn skags
- Increase front IFS preload by adjusting threaded preload
collar .
- Decrease front track spring preload.
Steering is heavy - Check skags and skis for damage.
- Make sure spindles and all steering components are free
- Decrease IFS spring preload.
- Increase front track spring preload - 1” maximum preload.