Fuel Safety
Gasoline is highly flammable and explosive under certain conditions.
S Always exercise extreme caution whenev-
er handling gasoline.
S Always refuel with the engine stopped,
and outdoors or in a well ventilated area.
S Do not smoke or allow open flames or
sparks in or near the area where refueling
is performed or w here gasoline is stored.
S Do not overfill the tank. Do not fill the
tank neck.
S If gasoline spills on your skin or clothing,
immediately wash it of f with soap and wa-
ter and change clothing.
S Never start the engine or let it run in an
enclosed area. Engine exhaust fumes are
poisonous and can cause loss o f con-
sciousness or death in a short time.
S Turn the fuel valve off whenever the ATV
is stored or parked.
S Make sure the vent line is in good condi-
tion and is routed properly.