• Typically, voice communication with an operator is established within
one minute after an assistance control is pressed.
• The operator verbally obtains details of your situation and, if
necessary, ties your vehicle into a three-way phone call with the
United States Auto Club or local 911 or other emergency services to
dispatch the appropriate assistance to your location.
• Once the situation has been appropriately handled, the operator will
terminate the call, the system warning light will stop flashing and the
system will be reset. In most situations, only the response center can
terminate an assistance request.
General description
Lincoln’s Remote Emergency Satellite Cellular Unit (RESCU) is designed
to expedite roadside, emergency or information assistance to distressed
motorists who are uncertain of their location and/or are uncertain of who
to contact for assistance.
The Lincoln RESCU system utilizes Global Positioning System (GPS)
technology and the nation’s cellular phone network to track vehicle
location and, at the touch of a control, put you in voice contact with the
Lincoln Security Response Center.
Two controls in the overhead console will activate the system:
An Information icon is provided for
customer information, such as
points of interest in your current
location, route assistance and other
services as they become available.
An Emergency icon for is for
emergency assistance.
When you select a control, the vehicle’s cellular phone will automatically
place a data call to the response center’s central computer. Once contact
is made, an electronic data message will be transmitted. This data
message will include:
• Type of alarm (Information, emergency or air bag acitvation)
• Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
• Latitude and longitude coordinates
Controls and features