204 Mobile Roofs
Roof Transport System
(Coupé only)
f Please follow the separate instructions for fit-
ting the Roof Transport System.
f Only use Roof Transport Systems from the
Porsche Tequipment product range or Roof
Transport Systems which have been tested
and approved for your car by Porsche.
Fitting normal commercially available luggage
racks is not possible.
The Porsche Roof Transport System allows you
to carry various sports and hobby equipment.
Your authorized Porsche dealer will be pleased to
tell you about the various different uses of the
Roof Transport System.
Safety notes!
f Completely remove the Roof Transport System
before using an automatic car wash – risk of
damage to the vehicle!
f Do not exceed the maximum permitted pay-
load, the maximum permitted gross weight
and the maximum permitted axle loads.
Please see the chapter “WEIGHTS COUPÉ” on
Page 291.
f Distribute load evenly, with heavy items as low
as possible.
Items of luggage must not project beyond the
side of the load area.
f Fix and secure every item to the basic carrier
with a rope or lashing strap (do not use elastic
rubber tensioners).
f Before every journey, and at regular intervals
during long trips, check that Roof Transport
System and load are secure. Re-tighten if nec-
essary and secure additionally by locking.
When the Roof Transport System is loaded, the
maximum speed depends on the nature, size and
weight of the load being carried.
Driving, braking and steering behavior change due
to the higher center of gravity and the greater
wind-resistant area. You should adapt your driving
style appropriately.
Since fuel consumption and noise are increased
with the Roof Transport System fitted, it should
not remain on the vehicle if not in use.