How Customers Can Get ITSO Redbooks
Customers may request ITSO deliverables (redbooks, BookManager BOOKs, and CD-ROMs) and information about
redbooks, workshops, and residencies in the following ways:
Online Orders — send orders to:
Telephone orders
Mail Orders — send orders to:
Fax — send orders to:
1-800-IBM-4FAX (United States) or (+1)001-408-256-5422 (Outside USA) — ask for:
Index # 4421 Abstracts of new redbooks
Index # 4422 IBM redbooks
Index # 4420 Redbooks for last six months
Direct Services - send note to softwareshop@vnet.ibm.com
On the World Wide Web
Redbooks Web Site http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/
IBM Direct Publications Catalog http://www.elink.ibmlink.ibm.com/pbl/pbl
Internet Listserver
With an Internet e-mail address, anyone can subscribe to an IBM Announcement Listserver. To initiate the
service, send an e-mail note to announce@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com with the keyword subscribe in the body of the
note (leave the subject line blank).
For information so current it is still in the process of being written, look at "Redpieces" on the Redbooks Web Site
(http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redpieces.html). Redpieces are redbooks in progress; not all redbooks become
redpieces, and sometimes just a few chapters will be published this way. The intent is to get the information out
much quicker than the formal publishing process allows.
IBMMAIL Internet
In United States: usib6fpl at ibmmail usib6fpl@ibmmail.com
In Canada: caibmbkz at ibmmail lmannix@vnet.ibm.com
Outside North America: dkibmbsh at ibmmail bookshop@dk.ibm.com
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(+45) 4810-1170 - Swedish
IBM Publications
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IBM Publications
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Canada 1-403-267-4455
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34 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines