Quick Start
Main Pages/
Main Display Pages
There are fi ve Main Display Pages: the Map Page, Compass Page, Highway Page, Active Route
Page, and Numbers Page. Pressing the PAGE key will display the next Main Page. Press the PAGE key
several times to look at the Main Pages. The QUIT key will allow you to cycle through the Main Pages
in a reverse sequence.
Features and Entering Data
Cursor— A highlighted area on the screen which can be moved UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT with the
ROCKER KEYPAD to select individual fi elds on the display. Moving the cursor to a given location
allows you to begin data entry or scroll through a list.
Default— A system-selected format, built into the operating software of the unit’s memory, that will
be followed unless the user chooses a different setting. For example, the default setting for distance
and speed units is Statute (miles/miles per hour/feet) but can be changed to Metric or Nautical. Once
a setting is changed, the new setting is retained until another change is made or the ‘Restore Original
Settings’ menu option is selected.
Map Page Compass Page Highway Page Active Route Page Numbers Page
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