Main Pages
Trip Computer
Trip Computer:
Four small data fields
Trip Computer Options
Using the Trip Computer
The Trip Computer stores information for your trip from the time it is reset until it is re-
set again. The Trip Computer displays information about your trip, such as your maximum
speed and trip odometer. You may change the trip computer data fields to suit your needs.
The trip computer displays information (trip data) in three full screens: the first screen
displays four small data fields. As you scroll down you two medium sized data fields are
shown and finally one large data field is displayed. The Foretrex remembers which Trip
Computer Page you previously viewed and displays that same screen when you view the
Trip Computer Page again. For example, if you were monitoring your speed using the one
large data field format, when you return again to the view the trip computer, your speed is
displayed in the large data field format.
Trip Computer Options
Press ENTER to display the following Trip Computer Page Options:
Change Fields: Press ENTER when this is highlighted to change the data fields that appear
on the right-hand side of the display. For a complete list and description of the data fields
available in the Foretrex, refer to “Data Field Options” found in the “Appendix”.
Reset Max Speed: Press ENTER when this is highlighted to reset the Maximum Speed
achieved during a trip.
Reset Trip Data: Press ENTER when this is highlighted to reset the trip time, trip distance
(odometer), and average speed.
Restore Defaults: Press ENTER when this is highlighted to restore the Trip Computer data
fields to the defaults.