Sahara Occidental GS
Samoa NS
San Andres Island (Colombia) SK
Sao Tome & Principe FP
Saudi Arabia OE
Senegal GO
Seychelles FS
Sierra Leone GF
Singapore WS
Slovenia LJ
Society Islands NT
Solomon Islands AG
Somalia HC
South African Republic FA
South Korea RK
Spain LE
Sri Lanka VC
St. Helena Island (U.K.) FH
St. Kitts and Nevis TK
St. Lucia TL
St. Pierre/Miquelon Is. (France) CF
St. Vincent and the Grenadines TV
Sudan HS
Suriname SM
Swaziland FD
Sweden ES
Switzerland LS
Syria OS
Tadzhikistan UT
Taiwan RC
Tanzania HT
Thailand VT
Togo DX
Tonga NF
Trinidad and Tobago TT
Tuamotu Islands NT
Tunisia DT
Turkey LT
Turkmenistan UT
Turks/Caicos Islands (U.K.) MB
Tuvalu NG
Uganda HU
Ukraine UK
United Arab Emirates OM
United Kingdom EG
United States K
Uruguay SU
Uzbekistan UT
Vanuatu NV
Venezuela SV
Vietnam VV
Virgin Islands (U.K.) TU
Virgin Islands (U.S.) TI
Wake Island (U.S.) PW
Wallis/Futuna Islands (France) NL
Yemen OY
Yugoslavia LY
Zaire FZ
Zambia FL
Zimbabwe FV