Rev. B 21
PC Programmer Setup
Prepare the PC for programming the GETC Turbo
Board by performing the following steps:
TQ-3357 V4.03 (or later)
1. Connect the TQ-3360 programming cable from
the PC's serial port connector to the GETC Shelf
connector J104 (A DB-25 to DB-9 adapter may be
2. Using the TQ-3357’s LOAD utility, copy the
Station Turbo software (344A4414) into the PC
Programmer’s working directories.
3. Load the Field Macro “gtc_9505.mac” into the
TQ-3357 PC Programmer using the instructions
contained in Chapter 5 of the TQ-3357 manual.
4. Refer to TQ-3357 Chapter 5 Load1E Utility for
complete instructions on downloading the Turbo
software .
TQ-3357 V3 (or earlier)
1. Connect the TQ-3360 programming cable from
the PC's serial port connector to the GETC Shelf
connector J100 (A DB-25 to DB-9 adapter may be
2. Using standard DOS commands or a software file
manager, create a directory named "LOAD1E" on
the PC's hard drive.
3. Make "LOAD1E" the current directory and copy
the following files from the software diskette into
the "LOAD1E" directory:
• load1e.exe
• 1etop.hex
• 1ecrc.hex
• 1ebot.hex
4. Run the load1e.exe program. Follow the on
screen instructions and program the Turbo Board.
Additional programming instructions may be
found in SRN1062 and LBI-38822.
When using Turbo Board 344A4414 Group 2 (or
later) software, re-programming the GETC Turbo
Board will not alter previously stored Personality
Data. When Personality Data is present,
“load1e.exe” clears and performs CRC functions
over the code portion of memory only.
Personality refers to the system configuration data
stored in the GETC's memory. The GETC's Personality
includes system configuration information such as channel
frequencies, call parameters, operating modes, and
identification information.
The Personality Programming process involves using
the TQ-3357 GETC Shelf PC Programmer which includes
the programming software to create the desired personality
and transfer the Personality data to the battery backed-up
RAM located on the Turbo Board.
If installing GETC software 349A9607G4 (or
later), you must use PC Programmer V4.03 (or
later). Version 4.03 allows access to new G4
features. TQ-3357 V5.0 or V4.03 with Field
Macro file GTC_9505.MAC is required to access
349A9607G5 features’ parameters.
The TQ-3357 V4.03 (or later) also allows you to
upload the GETC’s Personality without changing the DIP
switch settings.
It is not necessary to recreate the personality when
upgrading from Group 1 or Group 2 software to
Group 4. However, to activate new features, read
the existing personality and edit the personality as
Programming a Personality Using TQ-3357 V3
(or earlier)
When using TQ-3357 Version 3 (or earlier) you must
program the personality through J100.
1. Connect one end of the serial programming cable
(TQ-3360) to the computer. Connect the other end