Edelbrock 71900 Automobile Parts User Manual

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How the Dual Power Ramp Functions
The dual nitrous ramp feature enables the user to have more precise control over the nitrous power ramp.
When the dual ramp feature is enabled, there are two more selections added to the Main Menu. These are "Final
Percent #1" and "Nitrous Build Time #2". Using these extra set points the user can build a power ramp that in non-
linear (i.e.- can be small power increase for 2 seconds and then ramp to full power very rapidly). Please view the
example outlined bellow for help in determining the proper setup for your application.
Example Dual Ramp Nitrous Power Setting
©2008 Edelbrock Corporation
Catalog #71900
Brochure #63-0473
Rev. 08/08 - AJ/mc
Nitrous Delay Timer = 1.000 seconds
Starting Percent = 20%
Final Nitrous Percent #1 = 40%
Nitrous Build Time #1 = 4.000 seconds
Final Nitrous Percent #2 = 100%
Nitrous Build Time #2 = 2.000 seconds