Front Turn Signal and Fog Lamps
A. Turn Signal Lamp
B. Fog Lamp
To replace a turn signal or fog lamp bulb, do the
1. Remove the protection shield located on the
underside of the front of the vehicle by pulling
out the push-pins located on the underside
of the protection shield.
2. Reach up behind the front bumper area from
under the vehicle to access the lamp housing.
3. Remove the bulb socket from the housing by
turning the bulb socket one-quarter turn
4. Remove the electrical connector from the bulb
by lifting the two plastic clips.
5. Pull the old bulb from the bulb socket keeping
the bulb straight as you pull it out.
6. Install a new bulb.
7. Reverse the steps to reinstall the lamp
Taillamps, Turn Signal, Stoplamps
and Sidemarker Lamps
A. Taillamps and
B. Turn Signal Lamp
C. Sidemarker Lamp