Appendix C Common Services
Media Server User’s Guide
STRM WORKS UDP 1558 Stream Works Protocol.
SYSLOG UDP 514 Syslog allows you to send system logs to a UNIX
TACACS UDP 49 Login Host Protocol used for (Terminal Access
Controller Access Control System).
TELNET TCP 23 Telnet is the login and terminal emulation protocol
common on the Internet and in UNIX environments. It
operates over TCP/IP networks. Its primary function is
to allow users to log into remote host systems.
TFTP UDP 69 Trivial File Transfer Protocol is an Internet file transfer
protocol similar to FTP, but uses the UDP (User
Datagram Protocol) rather than TCP (Transmission
Control Protocol).
VDOLIVE TCP 7000 Another videoconferencing solution.
Table 129 Commonly Used Services (continued)