Chapter 10 Applications
Media Server User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 45 Applications > Download Service > Preferences > P2P download
Port Number Assign a port number for P2P downloads. You can select a number from 2 to 65536. It
is recommended to use a port number greater than 1025.
DHT Select Enable or Disable to use Distributed Hash Table (DHT) or not.
Note: When you use DHT, the NSA will also attempt to open a UDP port one number
smaller than the P2P download port number. So if the P2P download port number
is 9090, the NSA uses UDP port 9089.
Max. download rate You may need to limit the bandwidth the NSA uses for P2P downloads if your network’s
other Internet applications are not getting enough downstream bandwidth. 0 has the
NSA impose no restriction.
Max. upload rate You may need to limit the bandwidth the NSA uses to share files through P2P download
if your network’s other Internet applications are not getting enough upstream
bandwidth. 0 has the NSA impose no restriction.
If you do not allow any uploads, (for example, you set a limit of 1 KB/s) you will not
have a good standing in the P2P download community.
Note: The settings for maximum download/upload rates would not affect peers accessing
the NSA from the same LAN.
Maximum Number
of Active Torrents
Specify how many simultaneous P2P downloads are allowed on the NSA. You can enter
a number from 1 to 10.
Maximum Number
of Seeding Jobs
Specify how many simultaneous seeds are allowed on the NSA. Enter a number from 1
to 10. This value cannot exceed the one you configured in the Maximum Number of
Active Torrents field.
Maximum Number
of Active
Specify how many active connections are allowed on the NSA. Enter a number from 1 to
500. This specifies the number of computers that can connect to the NSA to download
files being shared by the NSA.
Keep Sharing While With P2P download, the NSA starts sharing a file while you are downloading it. Set how
long to continue sharing a file after the NSA finishes the download.
Select Upload/Download Ratio to keep sharing a file until the NSA has uploaded a
specific percent compared to the download.
Select Seeding Time to keep sharing a file for a specific number of minutes after the
download finishes.
Continuing to share a file helps other P2P download users finish downloading it. Sharing
out at least as much as you download helps keep you in good standing in the P2P
download community.
Enter -1 to share a file indefinitely. Leave both check boxes blank to have the NSA stop
sharing the file as soon as the download finishes.
If you select both options, the NSA keeps sharing a file until both conditions exceed the
values you configure. For example, you entered 150% in the Upload/Download Ratio
field and 120 minutes in the Seeding Time field. The NSA keeps sharing a file until it
has shared 1.5 times the size of the file and has passed 120 minutes.
Email notifications Select whether or not to send emails to the email address configured for emailing log
reports (see Section 18.4.2 on page 325) when the NSA starts downloading the file,
seeding the file, and/or finishes downloading the file.
Edit IP Filter Click this to enable or disable IP filtering for P2P downloads.
Refer to Section 10.6.4 on page 203 for information about the fields in this screen.
Apply Click this to save your changes.