Chapter 18 Maintenance Screens
Media Server User’s Guide
The screen is also the same for the Create a certificate authorized by other CA option.
Figure 211 Maintenance > SSL > Create or Edit a Certificate
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
18.7 The Firmware Upgrade Screen
Use this screen to upgrade the NSA firmware. You should first have downloaded the latest firmware
files from the ZyXEL website.
Do not turn off the NSA while it is upgrading the firmware or you may
render it unusable.
Table 119 Maintenance > SSL > Create or Edit a Certificate
Common Name This name describes the certificate’s origin, either in the form of an IP address or a
domain name.
Host IP Address Select this option and enter the NSA’s IP address if you want to use this for the
common name.
Host Domain Name Select this option and enter the NSA’s domain name if you want to use this for the
common name
Organizational Unit
Enter this name of the organizational unit which owns or maintains the NSA. This is
an optional field.
Organization (Optional) Enter this name of the organization or company which owns or maintains the NSA.
This is an optional field.
Country (Optional) Enter this name of the country in which the NSA is located. This is an optional field.
Key Type Select the certificate’s key type, either RSA or DSA. RSA is a public-key encryption
and digital signature algorithm, while DSA is only a digital signature algorithm.
Key Length Select the encryption key length. The longer the key, the better the encryption
security. The only drawback to having a long key is that the file encrypted with it
swells in size as well.
Apply Click this to save your changes.
Cancel Click this to discard changes and close the window.