Chapter 10 Applications
Media Server User’s Guide
10.8.1 Adding a Broadcatching Channel
At the time of writing, the NSA supports RSS 2.0 feeds. Websites with a feed usually display a feed
icon (shown next). Copy and paste the feed’s URL into the Applications > Broadcatching > Add
Channel screen and you can download new files as they are added.
Figure 116 Feed Icon
A channel uses a feed to deliver its contents (items). Subscribe the NSA to a feed to be able to
download the contents.
Click Applications > Broadcatching > Add Channel to open the following screen. Use the Add
Channel screen to subscribe the NSA to a channel’s feed so you can view the channel. You also
Item Name These are the downloadable files. The following icons show the file’s status in the NSA.
Completed: The NSA has downloaded the whole file. Double-click the item to go to the
Download Service screen where you can see the file’s name and location.
Seeding: The NSA downloaded the complete file and NSA is sharing it with other P2P
download users. Double-click the item to go to the Download Service screen.
Downloading: The NSA is downloading the file. Double-click the item to go to the
Download Service screen.
Queued: The file is waiting in line for the NSA to download it. Double-click the item to go
to the Download Service screen.
Pause: The download has been manually stopped. Double-click the item to go to the
Download Service screen.
Missing File: The NSA could not find the file.
Error: The NSA automatically retries unsuccessful download attempts. The status
displays as error when the re-attempts are also unsuccessful and the NSA stops trying to
download the file. To try the download again, use the Add button to create a new task.
Note: A ... indicates an abbreviated file name. Hold your cursor over the name to display
the full name.
Published Date This is when the file was made available for download.
Description This is the publishers introduction for the file.
Actions Start Downloading: Click this to add the file to the NSA’s download queue or check the
file’s status in the NSA’s download service.
Click the Delete icon to remove the file from the channel’s list.
Table 50 Applications > Broadcatching