Appendix E Open Source Licences
Media Server User’s Guide
very liberal and should not impose a problem for your project. This section
is just a brief summary for the cases we get the most questions. (Parts of
this section was much enhanced by Bjorn Reese.)
We are not lawyers and this is not legal advice. You should probably consult
one if you want true and accurate legal insights without our prejudice.
6.1 I have a GPL program, can I use the libcurl library?
Since libcurl may be distributed under the MIT/X derivate license, it can be
used together with GPL in any software.
6.2 I have a closed-source program, can I use the libcurl library?
libcurl does not put any restrictions on the program that uses the library.
6.3 I have a BSD licensed program, can I use the libcurl library?
libcurl does not put any restrictions on the program that uses the library.
6.4 I have a program that uses LGPL libraries, can I use libcurl?
The LGPL license doesn't clash with other licenses.
6.5 Can I modify curl/libcurl for my program and keep the changes secret?
The MIT/X derivate license practically allows you to do almost anything with
the sources, on the condition that the copyright texts in the sources are