Chapter 10 Applications
Media Server User’s Guide
10.4 FTP Server
Use FTP or FTPES (FTP over Explicit TTL/SSL) to upload files to the NSA and download files from the
NSA. Click Applications > FTP to open the following screen.
Figure 101 Applications > FTP
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 36 Applications > FTP
Enable FTP You can use FTP to send files to the NSA or get files from the NSA. Select this check box
to allow users to connect to the NSA via FTP; otherwise clear the check box.
Connection Limit Enter the maximum number of concurrent FTP connections allowed on the NSA in this
field. See your screen for your model’s connection limit.
Idle Timeout Enter the length of time that an FTP connection can be idle before timing out. The
timeout limit is 300 minutes.
Port Number This is the port number used by the NSA for FTP traffic.
Enable Anonymous
FTP Access
Select this check box to allow any user to log into the NSA using ‘FTP’ or ‘anonymous’
as a username and no password. Any other name is considered a username, so must be
valid and have a corresponding correct password.