Chapter 20 Troubleshooting
Media Server User’s Guide
• Make sure your ISP allows you to run a server and is not blocking the port number of the NSA’s
web publishing feature.
20.15 Auto Upload
The NSA does not automatically upload files to Flickr or YouTube.
1 Make sure the NSA is connected to the Internet. See Section 9.4 on page 176 for details about
testing network connections.
2 Click Maintenance > Log to check the NSA’s log for a message about the file.
2a If the log message displays “no such file or directory”, the file may have been removed from
the NSA. Make sure the file still exists in the watch folder.
2b If the log message displays “filename is queued”, the file may still be waiting for auto upload.
Check the grace period setting in the service’s Configuration screen. You can set a smaller
grace period to shorten the queue time.
2c If you cannot find any log messages about the file:
•Make sure the Folder Watch List includes the folder containing the file. You can upload the
file to the watch folder again.
• Make sure the file’s format is supported by Flickr or YouTube. You can find the supported file
extensions in the Folder Watch List.
2d If the log message displays “not authorized yet”, check if you can enter the NSA’s
Configuration screen for the service. If you changed the password of your Flickr or YouTube
account, you cannot access the service’s Configuration screen, and the NSA cannot auto
upload files. Make sure you also update the account information in the NSA.
3 Make sure the file size does not exceed the limit imposed by the service. At the time of writing,
Flickr restricts the file size to 10 MB, and YouTube restricts the file size to 100 MB.
4 Make sure you did not exceed the service’s upload quota. Flickr and YouTube have different policies
about how much you can upload within a certain period, for example, 100 MB/week.
5 The NSA may have temporarily failed to connect to the service. You can upload the file to the watch
folder again.
20.16 Package Management
The NSA won’t install the package(s) I selected in the Package Management screen.