Chapter 15 Users
Media Server User’s Guide
15.3.1 User Icons
The following table describes the user icons.
15.3.2 Adding or Editing an Account
Use this screen to create or edit a NSA user account with NSA access password.
Delete Selected
Select an account and click this to open a screen where you can delete the user
User Info Select an account and click this to open a screen displaying the amount of storage space
used by the account. You can also check the account’s membership in any groups.
Refer to Section 15.4 on page 305 to see the screen.
Display Number Click the drop-down menu to set how many accounts you want to display in one screen.
Go to Page Click the drop-down menu to display and access more user accounts.
User Type This field displays whether the account is an administrator account or a user account.
Username This field displays the username of each account.
Table 99 Sharing > Users (continued)
Table 100 User Icons
The blue icon is for an administrator account.
The green icon is for a user account.