Parameter Description Default
Call Forward Priority
Enables or disables priority call forward Disabled
Call Forward Always Number
Specifies the call forward destination
Call Forward on Busy Number
Specifies the call forward destination
when the line is busy
Call Forward on No Ans Number
Specifies the call forward destination
when the line is not answered
Call Forward Priority Number
Specifies the priority call forward
Priority Forward List – 1 to 30 phone
Specifies the list of numbers
Ringing Based on Caller ID
Parameter Description Default
Ringing Based on Caller ID
Enables or disables distinctive ring tones
linked to caller IDs
Distinctive Ring List – 1 to 30 phone
Specifies the phone numbers associated
with caller IDs
Do Not Disturb
Parameter Description Default
Do Not Disturb Mode
Enables or disables the Do Not Disturb
Mode, which blocks all non-priority calls.
Priority calls are permitted if further
enabled by the Do Not Disturb Exceptions.
This value is reset on power up and
Do Not Disturb Exceptions
Enables or disables the ringing of calls on
the Disturb Exceptions List. All other callers
will be blocked.
Do Not Disturb Exceptions List – 1 to
30 phone numbers
Specifies the list of numbers
Incoming Call Blocking
Parameter Description Default
Block Anonymous Incoming Calls
Enables or disables the blocking of calls
that do not give caller ID information
Block Listed Incoming Calls
Enables or disables the blocking of
incoming calls from specific numbers in
the Blocked Call List
Blocked Call List – 01 to 30 numbers
Specifies the list of incoming numbers
Chapter 9: User Configuration 45