
Parameter Description Default
Auth Domain
Specifies the authentication domain
name corresponding to the
Authentication User Name. This
field must match the authentication
realm URL assigned by the service
provider. It must NOT be translated
into any dotted-decimal address
equivalent. For many service
providers, this can be left blank as
SIP messages in the registration
process will convey the
authentication domain name.
(Format: FQDN)
Outbound Proxy
Identifies the outbound proxy server
and port, or if the provider doesn’t
use an outbound proxy server, the
default SIP proxy server and port to
be used when making outgoing
calls. (Format: FQDN)
Register Domain
Identifies the default SIP registration
server name and port used to
identify the VoIP Subsystem device
providing the service end-point for
the assigned subscription service.
(Format: FQDN)
ReReg Interval (s)
Sets the default registration update
period in seconds. The VoIP
Subsystem must re-register before
this period expires to prevent
service interruption.
Subscribe Domain
Fully qualified domain name (with
optional port number) for the SIP
registration server. (Format: FQDN)
ReSub Interval (s)
Re-subscription interval in seconds 1800
Use Outbound Proxy for REFER
Enables or disables the use of an
outbound proxy for SIP service
remote call transfers
DNS Server Lookup for SIP Server
Enables or disables DNS Server
lookup services for the SIP server
Ring Type
Selects a distinctive ring type for the
Chapter 4: VoIP Accounts 15