Index Default Country
4 270 + 750 || 150 nF
5 220 + 820 || 120 nF
Germany/Austria/Australia/New Zealand #1
6 220 + 820 || 115 nF
Bulgaria/South Africa/Slovakia
7 370 + 620 || 310 nF
UK #1/India/New Zealand #2
8 200 + 680 || 100 nF
9 800 || 50 nF
SLAC Command Strings
The SLAC initialization commands provide a method to set up the device for unusual conditions. Do not
change the default value unless the factory has suggested you do so.
Parameter Description Default
Initialization Commands
Specifies device setup for unusual
CODEC Configuration
This section describes the TELCO (FXO) port connection on the VoIP Subsystem and the CODEC (COde
DECode) configuration that provides the signal interface to the FXO port.
Parameter Description Default
Port Impedance (See the Values
for Port Impedance table on
Synthetic impedance matching network
control for a choice of one in ten common
world-wide configurations
Port RX Gain (GR) (-12 to +6 dB)
SLAC receive gain in dB units 0
Port TX Gain (GX) (-12 to
+12 dB)
SLAC transmit gain in dB units
(Note: 6dB of attenuation is automatically
applied by the GX gain block prior to the
specified transmit gain.)
Audio Clamp Duration (ms)
Audio clamp On time in milliseconds
(0 to 65535ms)
Line in Use Detect Method
Defines the method to use for detecting
the TELCO line's status.
Line in Use Inhibit
Enables or disables use of the TELCO
Parallel in Use Debounce
Specifies the number of lines that can be
used in parallel. 0 to 65535 lines are the
possible min/max values; however, the
physical limit is 5.
Parallel in Use Detect Method
Defines the method to use for detecting
the availability of a parallel line.
Parallel in Use Disconnect
Enables or disables disconnection of a
parallel line.
Chapter 7: Regionalization 31