Standard Ringing Patterns
Ring patterns are specified by a list of values indicating the frequency, number of on/off transitions, and
Ring On/Ring Off times. The format is:
ring_frequency, no_of_times, duration,
{ring_on_time1, ring_off_time1, ring_on_time2, ring_off_time2, …}
ring_frequency specifies the frequency of the ringing tone in Hz for sinusoidal and trapezoidal
ringing. This value is only used if the default ringer parameter slac_ring_frequency is zero.
no_of_times is the total of both on and off transitions in the ring pattern. This can be zero for a
continuous ring signal (which may not be desirable and may exceed the rated power capacity of the
duration is the length of time in seconds to ring. A value of zero means until instructed otherwise.
ring_on_timeX and ring_off_timeX are interleaved Ring On and Ring Off durations in msec. A
value of zero for a Ring On time indicates a continuous tone. A value of zero for a Ring Off time
produces continuous silence.
Possible values for frequency are between 0Hz and 60Hz. The maximum total of on and off times
summed together is nine.
Standard Ringing Patterns Parameters
Parameter Description Default (North America)
Ring Default
Default ring pattern 20 2 0 2000 4000
PSTN Ring Default
Default PSTN call ring pattern 20 2 0 2000 4000
Station Ring Default
Default station call ring pattern 20 2 0 1000 3000
Call Hold Re-Ring
Call on hold reminder re-ring
20 2 0 500 0
Call Back Ring
Call back success ring pattern 20 2 0 1500 0
Call Back Ring Splash
Call back in progress ring pattern 20 2 0 700 0
Call Forward Ring Splash
Call forward reminder ring pattern 20 2 0 500 0
Message Waiting Ring Splash
Audible message waiting ring
pattern. This parameter is for
analog telephone adapter
products only.
20 2 0 500 0
Distinctive Ringing Patterns
The distinctive ring feature allows different ring patterns to be sent to the telephone according to Distinctive
Ring parameters 1 - 8. Distinctive ringing patterns are specified in the same way as standard ringing
The user can assign distinctive ringing patterns to particular callers under User Configuration…Ringing
Based on Caller ID.
Chapter 7: Regionalization 27