Song Job 1 lets you perform Copy Song, Append Song,
Clear Song, Copy Track, Clear Track, and Mix Track operations.
COPY SONG - Pressing [F1] ( CpyS ) accesses Copy Song,
which lets you copy a complete song from one song
memory location to another song memory location, includ-
ing all multi, sequencer and Song voice data.
SOURCE SONG (01 ~ 16) - Specify the song you
want to copy.
DESTINATION SONG (01 ~ 16) - Specify the song
memory location you want to copy the song into. If the
destination song is already occupied by song data, this
data will be erased by the copy operation. Before
executing the copy song operation, always check to
make sure the destination song does not contain data
you wish to keep.
EXECUTE - To execute the operation press ENTER.
NOTE: If you want to copy the Song voices from one song to
another, use the Song Voice Memory function in Utility
Mode. (For more information, see page 143.)
APPEND SONG - Pressing [F2] ( Apend ) accesses
Append Song, which lets you place a complete song in
one song memory location into a specified measure of
another song. The specified measure of the destination
song, as well as all measures following it, will be deleted.
SOURCE SONG (01 ~ 16) - Specify the song you
want to append.
DESTINATION SONG (01 ~ 16) - Specify the
song you want the source song to be appended to.
MEASURE (001 ~ 999) - Specify the measure in
the destination song where you want the source
song placed.The song multi data (including voices)
of the source song will not affect the destination
song; however, the time signature of the source song
will be maintained, i.e., if the time signature of the
source song is different than the time signature of
the destination song, then the time signature will
change at the specified measure.
EXECUTE - To execute the operation press ENTER.
CLEAR SONG - Pressing [F3] ( ClrS ) accesses Clear
Song, which lets you clear, or eliminate, a specified song
from a song memory, and reset the multi of the song
memory to its basic default values.
CLEAR SONG (01 ~ 16) - Specify the song you
want to clear. (NOTE: Make sure the song to be
cleared is saved to floppy disk, if it contains impor-
tant data you don t want to lose.)
EXECUTE - To execute the operation press ENTER.
NOTE: If you want to clear the sequence data only, use
the Clear Track function.