There is actually a correct process for switching the various components in an elec-
tronic music system on and off. The rules are simple but important. Before turning any-
thing on:
● Be sure that all components are actually plugged in, and
check to make sure that all volume controls are turned
down to their zero positions.
● Always turn the W5/W7 on first (followed by any
additional MIDI devices which may be connected).
● Always turn the sound system on last.
● Raise the sound system volume to a reasonable level.
● Gradually raise the W5/W7 volume fader while playing
the keyboard to set the desired listening level.
The W5/W7 powers up in Song Multi Play Mode, ready for you to play the Instrument
voices from the keyboard. After the brief startup process, a graphic representation of a 16
track stereo sound mixer will appear on the screen. A brand new W5/W7 (or one that has
been reset to its default settings) will start up with Track 1 selected and GM voice #001
Grand Piano assigned to it.
This basic default sound mixer screen, plus the red light over the SONG MODE
button, a green TRACK SELECT button, and a red TRACK 1 button, indicate that the W5/
W7 is in Song Multi Play Mode, with Track 1 of the song multi #01 selected, and GM voice
#001 [Grand Piano] assigned to the track. (For more information about song multis, see
page 74.)
You can select any of the 16 tracks in the multi and play the instrument voice assigned
to it simply by pressing one of the TRACK buttons. With the W5/W7, an instrument can
be either a normal or pitched voice, or a drum or percussion voice.
When turning the various
components off, simply reverse the
process: lower all volume levels to
zero, turn the sound system off first,
and the W5/W7 off last. The reason
for turning the W5/W7 on first and
off last is to avoid the possibility of
sending a power surge through the
sound system which could damage
the amplifier or speakers. If other
MIDI devices are connected to the
W5/W7 MIDI OUT port and the
W5/W7 is acting as the controller
keyboard, turning the W5/W7 on
before them is wise because the W5/
W7 automatically transmits MIDI
control change data corresponding
to its control status when its power
switch is turned on and off, which
could interfere with operation of
other MIDI equipment.
NOTE: In the factory set default
setup, the 16 tracks of all 16 song
multis are basically unassigned,
meaning that they are ready and
waiting for you to assign the
Instrument voice of your choice to
each track. At factory default, every
track except Track 10 will have GM
normal voice #001 assigned to it.
Track 10 will have GM drum voice
#01 assigned to it. Track 10 is
dedicated to drum voices only in
accordance with the General MIDI
standard which mandates that
MIDI channel 10 be reserved for
drums. (Therefore, normal voices
can not be assigned to Track 10.)