Getting Started
The Feature Reference Manual
The Feature Reference manual is the “nuts and bolts” reference for
the VL1, individually describing its many functions in detail. The Feature
Reference manual is divided into five main sections, each describing the
various functions within a particular VL1 edit or utility mode.
1. General Operation [
≥ Page 7]
2. Play Mode [
≥ Page 13]
3. Edit Mode [≥ Page 21]
4. Utility Mode [≥ Page 151]
5. Appendix [≥ Page 177]
Once you have become familiar with the way the VL1 works by
going through the Getting Started manual, you should only need to refer to
the Feature Reference manual from time to time to get details on functions
you’ve never used before, or refresh your memory about functions that
you don’t use very often.
Each section of the Feature Reference manual has its own table of
contents, so you should be able to locate any particular function quickly
and easily. Functions and references can also be located by referring to the
index at the back of the manual.
The following conventions are used through the VL1 manuals to
avoid confusion and make the text easier to read.
Buttons & Controls
Button and control names used on the VL1 panel appear in the text
in capital letters within a border: “the [ button”, for example.
Parameter Names
Parameter names and other labels which appear on the VL1 display
are printed in the courier typeface for easier identification: for
example, “adjust the “Balance” parameter as required”.
Parameter Ranges
An ellipsis is used to indicate a range of parameter values: e.g. “0 …
127”. This minimizes the confusion sometimes caused by the use of
a hyphen or dash for this purpose.