Getting Started
Voice Selection
Play mode.
Voice B02 (no. 18 of 128).
Voice name: Alto Sax
Reverb is ON.
Stereo output mode.
Element E1 name: Alto Sax
Mono voice,
using a single element.
Effects in use: Pitch Change,
Feedback Delay off and
Studio type reverb.
Voice Selection
One of the first things you’ll want to do with your VL1 is select and
play some of its voices … this section will show you how to do just that.
The abbreviations in the section separated by a line at the bottom of the display
(“Cnt1”, “Cnt2”, etc) indicate the functions of the corresponding function buttons
below the display: ¡ through •. These will be discussed later in this section.
1. Select the Play Mode
Press the P button so that its indicator lights and the word “PLAY” appears in
the upper left corner of the LCD panel.
A considerable amount of information appears on the play-mode display in addition
to the name of the currently selected voice. Many of the functions relating to this infor-
mation will be covered later in the manual. For now, here are the basics:
Selecting & Playing the VL1’s 128 Voices