Organ Flutes
62 Reference
Organ Flutes
In addition to the many organ voices in the [ORGAN] voice category, the 9000Pro has an ORGAN
FLUTES voice which can be assigned to the currenty selected part and edited by pressing the VOICE
[ORGAN FLUTES] button.
■ Parameters
Basic Procedure
Organ Type This parameter specifies the type of organ tone generation to be simulated: Sine or Vin-
Rotary SP Speed The Rotary SP Speed LCD button alternately switches between the slow and fast ro-
tary speaker speeds when a rotary speaker effect is selected for the Organ Flutes (see
“DSP Type” below), and the VOICE EFFECT [DSP(4-7)] button is turned on (the Rotary
SP Speed LCD button has the same effect as the VOICE EFFECT [DSP SLOW/FAST]
Vibrato On/Off This LCD button alternately turns the vibrato effect for the Organ Flutes voice ON or
• The Organ Flutes settings are
applied to the currently
selected part. Custom settings
can be stored as a User Organ
Flutes voice, but the current
part cannot itself be stored.
For example, you can edit the
Organ Flutes settings from the
R1 part and store them, then
reselect those settings from
the R3 part.
Press the [ORGAN
FLUTES] button.
Adjust the parameters.
Select this to call up the Preset
Organ Flutes display.
Select the number to be stored and store your settings.
Call up the Store display.
You can select the
number to call up
your original settings.
Select this to call
up the display of
the Volume/
Attack settings.
Adjust the Footage.
Select this to call up the display
of various settings.
Use button [1] to adjust the 16’
or 8’ footage. You can select the
desired footage (16’ or 8’) with
the [E] LCD button.
• The echo, tremolo, and trill
effects set via the Harmony/
Echo function (page 164) may
not affect the Organ Flutes
sound as expected.