lldp med-location
The lldp med-location command is used to configure the Location Identification
TLV's content in outgoing LLDPDU of the port.
lldp med-location { emergency-number identifier | civic-address { [ language
language ] [ province-state province-state ] [ county county] [city city ] [ street
street ] [ house-number house-number ] [name name ] [ postal-zipcode
postal-zipcode ] [ room-number room-number ] [ post-office-box post-office-box ]
[ additional additional ] [ country-code country-code ] [ what { dhcp-server |
endpoint | switch } ] }
emergency-number —— Emergency Call Service ELIN identifier, which is used
during emergency call setup to a traditional CAMA or ISDN trunk-based PSAP.
The length of this field ranges from 10 to 25 characters.
civic-address —— The civic address is defined to reuse the relevant sub-fields
of the DHCP option for civic address based Location Configuration Information
as specified by IETF.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode (interface gigabitEthernet / interface range
Configure the civic address in the Location Identification TLV's content in
outgoing LLDPDU of port 2. Configure the language as English and city as
TL-SG2424P(config)# interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/2
TL-SG2424P(config-if)# lldp med-location civic-address language English
city London
lldp med-status
The lldp med-status command is used to enable the LLDP-MED feature for the
corresponding port. After the LLDP-MED feature is enabled, the port's Admin