The rule command is used to configure MAC ACL rule. To delete the
corresponding rule, please use no rule command.
rule rule-id { deny | permit } [[ smac source-mac ] smask source-mac-mask ]
[[ dmac destination-mac ] dmask destination-mac-mask ]
no rule rule-id
rule-id —— The rule ID.
deny —— The operation to discard packets.
permit ——The operation to forward packets. It is the default value.
source-mac —— The source MAC address contained in the rule.
source-mac-mask —— The source MAC address mask. It is required if you
typed the source MAC address.
destination-mac —— The destination MAC address contained in the rule.
destination-mac-mask —— The destination MAC address mask. It is required if
you typed the destination MAC address.
Command Mode
Mac Access-list Configuration Mode
Create a MAC ACL whose ID is 20, and add Rule 10 for it. In the rule, the source
MAC address is 00:01:3F:48:16:23, the source MAC address mask is
11:11:11:11:11:00, and the packets match this rule will be forwarded by the
TL-SG2424(config)# mac access-list 20
TL-SG2424(config-mac-acl)# rule 10 permit smac 00:01:3F:48:16:23 smask
access-list policy name
The access-list policy name command is used to add Policy. To delete the
corresponding Policy, please use no access-list policy name command. A