Chapter 25 LLDP Commands
Note: Only TL-SG2424P supports LLDP function.
LLDP function enables network devices to advertise their own device information periodically to
neighbors on the same LAN. The information of the LLDP devices in the LAN can be stored by its
neighbor in a standard MIB, so it is possible for the information to be accessed by a Network
Management System (NMS) such as SNMP.
The lldp command is used to enable LLDP function. To disable the LLDP
function, please use no lldp command.
no lldp
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Enable LLDP function globally:
TL-SG2424P(config)# lldp
lldp hold-multiplier
The lldp hold-multiplier command is used to configure the Hold Multiplier
parameter. The aging time of the local information in the neighbor device is
determined by the actual TTL value used in the sending LLDPDU. TTL = Hold
Multiplier * Transmit Interval. To return to the default configuration, please use
no lldp hold-multiplier command.
lldp hold-multiplier multiplier
no lldp hold-multiplier