snmp-server community
The snmp-server community command is used to add Community. To delete
the corresponding Community, please use no snmp-server community
command. SNMP v1 and SNMP v2c adopt community name authentication.
The community name can limit access to the SNMP agent from SNMP network
management station, functioning as a password.
snmp-server community name { read-only | read-write } mib-view
no snmp-server community name
name —— Community Name, ranging from 1 to 16 characters.
read-only | read-write —— The access rights of the community, with read-only
and read-write options.
mib-view —— The MIB View for the community to access.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Add community public, and the community has read-write management right to
View viewDefault:
TL-SG2424(config)# snmp-server community public read-write viewDefault
snmp-server host
The snmp-server host command is used to add Notification. To delete the
corresponding Notification, please use no snmp-server host command.
snmp-server host ip udp-port user-name [ smode { v1 | v2c | v3 }] [ slev
{ noAuthNoPriv | authNoPriv | authPriv }] [ type { trap | inform }] [ retries retries ]
[ timeout timeout ]
no snmp-server host ip user-name