Memory and Variable Management 700
Renaming Variables or Folders
Renaming Variables or FoldersRenaming Variables or Folders
Renaming Variables or Folders
Remember, if you use † to select a folder, the variables in that folder are selected
automatically. As necessary, use † to deselect individual variables.
1. On
VAR-LINK, select the variables and/or folders.
2. Press ƒ
Manage and select 3:Rename.
Using Variables in Different Folders
Using Variables in Different FoldersUsing Variables in Different Folders
Using Variables in Different Folders
You can access a user-defined variable or function that is not in the current folder.
Specify the complete pathname instead of only the variable name.
A pathname has the form:
folderName \ variableName
– or –
folderName \ functionName
3. Type a unique name, and press ¸
If you selected multiple items, you are
prompted to enter a new name for each