Operating the Calculator 150
Modifier Keys
Modifier KeysModifier Keys
Modifier Keys
Modifier Keys
Modifier KeysModifier Keys
Modifier Keys
Note: Information is available about using ¤ and j.
Examples of [2nd] and [diamond] Modifiers
Examples of [2nd] and [diamond] ModifiersExamples of [2nd] and [diamond] Modifiers
Examples of [2nd] and [diamond] Modifiers
The N key is one of several keys that can perform three operations, depending on
whether you first press 2 or 8.
The following TI-89 Titanium example shows using the 2 or 8 modifier key with the
N key.
Modifier Description
Accesses the second function of the next key you
press. On the keyboard, these are printed in the same
color as the 2 key.
Activates keys that select certain applications, menu
items, and other operations from the keyboard. On the
keyboard, these are printed in the same color as the
Types an uppercase character for the next letter key
you press.
¤ is also used with B and A to highlight
characters in the entry line for editing purposes.
Used to type alphabetic letters, including a space
character. On the keyboard, these are printed in the
same color as the j key.